Christmas Celebrations in Pakistan

                    Christmas celebrations are enjoyed world wide. I also was very eager to make some  reports on how christmas is celebrated in Pakistan. To fulfill my desire, I went to one of the oldest churches in Rawalpindi city, called the St. Pauls's Church, to cover a chruch service. This church service was organized almost fifteen days before christmas. The Pastor of church, Samuel Titus, told me that Christmas celebration start well before the actual Christmas date.
                     During the Christmas service, Pastor prayed for the prosperity of Pakistan and asked the affluent christans to help the unprivileged Christan families, especially those who want to send their children to schools but don't have enough funds. Many carols were also sung in memeory and praise of Jesus. But the best part of the service was the surprise appearance of Santa Claus. Santa came running in the church on lovely tunes of Jingle Bells. All the children got really excited to see the Santa. Santa gave lovely gifts to kids. This was not enough, there was another Santa for the kids. This Santa was actually a professional juggler. He entertained the people with his amazing juggling tricks. I loved this church service and realized that Christans are such an important and a vibrant part of our society. And still, theres a lot to be done for this and other minorities in Pakistan.
                  After covering this event, I got more excited and thought to do something on the traditional Christmas dishes. I had attended Christmas dinners while I was in the U.S. and I understand how important Christmas dinner is, it is an event when the entire family gathers and they eat, watch t.v and have a fabulous time. Pearl Continental, a five star Hotel in Rawalpindi City, had organized special Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day. So, I took benefit of this opportunity and went to this hotel. I met the chefs there and saw how the Turkey and special steaks are made for Christmas. Turkey is one of the most important part of Christmas meal. The chef at this hotel had baked Turkey with stuffings of fruits, bread crumbs and dry fruits. The turkey was served with a delicious Cranberry sauce. The chef also served us special Jason's Steak House beef steaks. I loved watching the chefs cooking in the kitchen. I have always been inspired by these creative individuals. It was a great experience to meet the chefs and get to know more about them. One of the chefs, Mr. Azeem Khan was awarded the best Chef of Pakistan award this year.
                 Overall,  enjoying the Christmas celebrations in Pakistan was a great learning and a wonderful experience. I am thankful to the admistration and Pastor of St. Pauls chruch for being so welcoming and also to Manager Pearl Continental Asad Shah, Chef Azeem Khan and Chef Hina for their cooperation and for especially cooking us a delicious Christmas Dinner.
Here are links of my news reports


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