Child Labor In Pakistan

This blog is about a small child Zeba who works as a domestic servant but is also a student at a loacl school in Islamabad.    Must watch this link and you can read the translation for better understanding.


This is 12 year old girl Zeba. Because of poverty, she is forced to work at a home. As a child labor Zeba with her small hands sweeps, cleans the dishes and do other household chores. Despite working so hard at such a tender age, after cleaning she goes to a local school nearby her home run by NGO, Idara e Taleem o Aghai, where she doesnt have to pay any fee. . Zeba studies in grade 3. Zeba understands that only with proper education she can liberate herself from shackles of poverty and social injustices. Along with her studies she is also learning sewing so that in futre she is able to help her poor parents. ZEBA, "I want to study like others. I will not work at other peoples homes when I growup.. I am doing this because I am needy". TEACHER," We have convinced her to come to our centre even for lesser time, but she must come". Circumstances have forced her to work instead of playing, but she doesnt believe that she is going to work like this forver.
Zeba, " I want to become a doctor, thats why I am studying."
If organizations like Idara e Taleem o Aghani get support from the government than many children like Zeba would be able to become educated, aware and responsible citizens of Pakistan. Zeba does not want to compromise with poverty at anycost. Her hard work and passion has proved that in future she will become the shining star of Pakistan.


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